Re: redesign status

Am Tue, 21 Apr 2009 09:42:40 -0500 schrieb Paul Cutler:

Hi all, I've been thinking about Murray and Vincent's recent emails
In a perfect world, if we had the people and resources, I would propose
having a new wgo by the time GNOME 3.0 launches a year from now.  I know
that goal is not very realistic, especially based on where we've been
over the last couple of years, but I wanted to throw it out there.

Murray said at the beginning of this month in his email update regarding
the wgo redesign

"There are still people working on a Plone site, though there hasn't
been much activity recently. I don't believe they will succeed, because
this has failed so often, but nobody should stop them from trying as
long as we don't have something else."  (Murray also mentions that a
large part of the work has been done as well).

Vincent later in the email thread added some comments, including "plone
is not the best choice for GNOME because we have nobody active who will
be able to take care of it." though he did go on to add he didn't want
to have a discussion of what CMS we should use without a concrete plan
to address it.

What's interesting to me about Vincent's comment specifically, is the
lgo page that discusses the choice of CMS back in 2006

"The reasons for choosing Plone rely more on people than code, since
both tools could reach all the requirements with hacking and good will.

I think this statement is even more true today.

There are at least five people (including me) in the Plone Community 
willing to help to get the technical part done. Where we cant help is in 
writing or organizing content and visuals. One person/company would also 
host gnome wgo for free (as i understand while development and if needed 
also later after go-live).
I'd like to propose that we follow up on Vincent's comments and form a
small team to investigate if any other solutions might be a better fit. 
It's possible in the last 2 1/2 years the technology and the members in
the community might have changed enough that we might want to think
about choosing a new CMS, based on the original requirements at  My first instinct would
be to evaluate Plone, Midgard (as it came in #2 last time ) and Drupal
(as it seems to have grown greatly in its use over the last couple of
years, and the major reason it wasn't chosen was i18n which may have
changed in this time).

I'am sure Plone is still perfect (sure that I'am sure) and its much more 
perfect than it was 2 1/2 years ago. 

But anyway, another evaluation dont make wgo-site go live. It just binds 
resources to the task of evaluation. But otoh it would be interesting for 
us to see how Plone compares again.
If it's possible to put a small working team together to evaluate these
choices over the next 6-8 weeks and report back to the community, it may
help to reinforce the current decision, or it may encourage new
volunteers to come forward to work on a new solution.  I may not have
the technical skills to evaluate the different solutions, but I would
like to volunteer to help organize activities around this, including
finding volunteers (with help from the community), scheduling meetings,
and sharing progress and status updates with the GNOME community.

From what I see the major problem is missing interest in building the 
website at gnome project. As I understand it would need a team of people 
to get it done. Plone Community offers technical help here. Teams Gnome 
people dont need to be IT-experts but experts for web-marketing and 
content. Also it needs a little dose of project management. 

I don't mean to take anything away from everyone who has been working on
the wgo revamp.  But with GNOME 3.0 a year away, we have a unique
opportunity to build on the GNOME brand through marketing activities,
including the website, and I wanted to at least ask the question.



best regards 
Jens W. Klein - Klein & Partner KEG - BlueDynamics Alliance

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