Re: (WAS: Re: Software Freedom Day)

On 9/24/08, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:
Speaking of content on ... I heard that there were people working
on it but I'm not clear what's being worked on. I saw the new image (and
liked it) but I think we could also use a site review. Is anything like that
going on? If not, I will kick it off ...

If you mean the website infra running behind, I
understand that the proposed migration to use Plone (a CMS made with
Python) was delayed because the main 'tech' guy doing it had time
Is Quim still the contact person for this? I lost track of it long
time ago... in any case, it would be a good time to finish that topic
once and for all, editing HTML and an automake source is not precisely


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