Finding case studies in the wiki


With all of the page reorganisations in lgo, I now have trouble finding
some of the stuff I think is the most important in the data we've
collected up to this point.

Can anyone tell me the shortest navigation path to get to the GNOME case
studies, please? I did find a link to which
doesn't exist, but proposed in its "Similar
page names". It reminded me that when renaming old pages, people should
*please* replace the original page with a redirect to the new page.

A second case of that is in the latter page, there is a link to which lists
in its similar pages (which is the
page I was looking for).

My click path to get there from was:

Front page -> Team workspaces
Team workspaces -> GNOME Marketing
GNOME Marketing -> MarketingMaterial
MarketingMaterial -> ../ExistingGnomeDeployments
In similar pages, click GnomeMarketing/GnomeDeployments
Search for a reference in the page, -> MarketingTeam/GnomeTestimonials
In similar pages, click GnomeMarketing/GnomeTestimonials

I did the redirects just now, so that should be shortened to 5 clicks
from 7 now.

I would appreciate in general if the reorganisation of information in
the wiki was done with some kind of method, where information which we
have is somehow prioritised by importance and made available
systematically. I would prefer, for example, the "Market research" link,
which features prominently on the team page, to point to the bit of
research which we have already done (that is, talking to users of the
software, as I did some time ago, and surveying customers, as Federico
did some time ago), rather than to pages which start "we should...".


Dave Neary
dneary free fr
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Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13

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