Re: GNOME 2.22 and beyond

Hi, Thilo!

Merging is not so a good idea. These are different topics. But we can
delete the Market Segmentation page to clean up a bit. 


On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:15:23 +0100
Thilo Pfennig <tp pfennigsolutions de> wrote:

Am Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:12:10 +0100
schrieb Thilo Pfennig <tp pfennigsolutions de>: and

(sorry my mailer decided to send this too early)

And also to think about what this means...

I suggest not to add just more random content or new pages. At least
when it comes to marketing content the problem is rather that there is
too much dead pages and content. So mostly some stuff that was said
once is documented but not elaborated and its unclear what is written
really means for GNOME.

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