Re: Southern CAlifornia Linux Expo

Did someone answer your question?  You might want to look on and search for 'media kit'.  I sympathize with
your predicament considering I've been in your boat.  It's hard to find
volunteers for booths.  I've found that blasting out mail doesn't
usually give you a lot of responses.  You'll have to use a little social
engineering.  Find GNOME people in your area, you could probably check
the GNOME map which shows where GNOMErs are in the world.  Just some

Funding and what not will probably be covered by the board, but you
should of course talk with them directly since I don't speak for them.


On Sun, 2007-01-14 at 20:53 -0800, Eitan Isaacson wrote:

Somehow I ended up being the point-man for the Gnome booth at SCALE,
which is fine. That is only if you faithful Gnomers help me out with a
few answers to some questions.

First off, where is the North American event box? The wiki don't mention

Second, is there anyone else out there who could volunteer there time?
If we could be three people out there, it would be great. This is
important enough to be a subject line of a separate e-mail, so stand by!

Third, what is the foundation willing to pay for? Travel, lodging, event
box shipping, material printing...

Sri Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com>

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