Re: About The GNOME Mobile & Embedded Initative

Thanks Dave for being brave. Your email hurts. I like it. No pain, no cure?

From the Personas project to the CMS election and everything in
between (release notes, GNOME Office, GNOME slogan...) I personally
got tired of investing more time in discussion than production. It's
not funny anymore (if it ever was).

On 4/23/07, Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:
> As I see it, the major task facing the marketing team at the moment is
> getting the new wgo website up.

I understand what Quim was trying to do with this, but I don't think there's
any real advantage to making this a marketing team project.
This is actually a good example. Yes, I thought marketing-list could
be helpful creating the concept, guidelines and content of wgo. The
reality is that the marketing team never acted as a team, the most
active people has been gathered through other channels (remarkably
Planet) and every time I have got stuck in personal stuff the web
project has stopped.

If this is how the marketing team treats its "major task", it is
unsurprising that other marketing-list watchers find elsewhere help in
order to get things done, like Federico did with his survey.

PS: the wgo hasn't died.  :)  We'll get it done.

Quim Gil ///

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