Re: WGO Revamp: Look and Feel

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Quim Gil wrote:
Excellent work, Máirín!

My general comment is that we need to distinguish better between promos
and infos. Slogan block, Featured product and Upcoming events are infos.
Perhaps rounded corners for promos and white backgrounds for infos?

I also think that we can save a lot of links & words in the info blocks.

Both measures would help focusing the user attention. Currently it looks
great, but a bit too flashy in every corner so it's not easy to decide
where to go next.

Also, is this going to work in 800x600?

    I looked into this briefly, the splash image is 744 pixels in
width, and basically gives you 100 pixels for the blocks in the right
hand column. This isn't enough space! The splash image should be
reduced to 600 pixels widths so we have 200pixels to play with
including spacing. Viewing the site at a 800x600 resolution would mean
the content that is centre aligned would get positioned to the left.

Again see the Apple site and reduce your browser size and watch how it
compensates, this is how ours should work.


P.S I see the plan coming together, we are getting there! What a great
process we have too...
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