Re: WGO Revamp: Look and Feel

Excellent work, Máirín!

My general comment is that we need to distinguish better between promos
and infos. Slogan block, Featured product and Upcoming events are infos.
Perhaps rounded corners for promos and white backgrounds for infos? 

I also think that we can save a lot of links & words in the info blocks.

Both measures would help focusing the user attention. Currently it looks
great, but a bit too flashy in every corner so it's not easy to decide
where to go next.

Also, is this going to work in 800x600?

Going into details...

On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 01:22 -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:

* I included the Planet GNOME module thingy we've been talking about, 
which doesn't include any subject lines or blog post text as we 
discussed. What do you think about how this is shaping up visually?

What about puting 6 faces instead of 3 in the same space, using 2
columns? Each entry would have only hackergotchi an id and the tiny
bubble (location also would be cool, but this needs an extra hack to the

At the bottom "See all" + 3 bubbles icon is perhaps enough. I wonder if
we should have the RSS feed here. Can't is generate conflict with the
News feed for subscriptions via web browser? Besides, I wonder who is
going to aggregate the feed from there before visiting the Planet

About the title what about "Talks in Planet GNOME" or something saying
explicitly Planet GNOME. 

(Is this even what we're looking to do? Revisiting a post from Jeff [1], 
should we be focusing more on feeds from various community websites than 
focusing exclusively on personal feeds from PGO?)

This is what the GNOME News block should do. Instead of showing just one
news piece with summary it would be better to have the 3 last entries
with project logo, title and date. The RSS icon could go at the bottom
and we will see what other links are we putting next to it.

* Currently on WGO, we have a separate News column and a separate events 
column. Do we want to consolidate news & events into one feed? Or just 
have news in that column in the center, and advertise events via the 
events banner on the right?

Events go apart. They are not only GNOME events like GUADEC and Boston
summit, they are also events with GNOME presence. It would have also a
"info" appearance like the News and Planet blocks  and it could even be
aligned at the top with these other 2 blocks. It would contain the last
entries: logo, name and date - including perhaps a very shoot
description i.e. "Visit the GNOME stand", "Attend our speaks" or
something like that (unsure about this).

* What do you think about the overall look of the little icons? 
(newspaper, globe with chat bubbles, mini chatbubble icons, globe icons) 
Do they fit an overall style we wouldn't be opposed to running with?

In general I think it is good that we showcase already created icons
belonging to the desktop, when they accomplish a similar function in the
web. Like using the Tango palette, it is a way to give users an indirect
hint of what is the desktop about, and GNOME users would feel more like
at /home.

I'm not sure if it's appropriate to show all these feet in the primary nav bar.
We are used to see GNOME feed all around but how would it look like to
new users? 

More comments:

- Navigation. The General nav should be like, only taking out
the [foot] GNOMRE in the left, since we are having a big GNOME logo
coming from the primary nav bar and overlapping the General nav. Since
we are playing with gray in the General bar we will need to find another
color more prominent for the primary bar. I guess we will need to play
with secondary pages in order to get the perfect primary bar, since it
needs to play well together with the secondary. 

- Search. What about placing a standard "Search" button on the right of
the field instead of the "Search" text?

- Can you add "English" to the choose language dropdown menu? It will be

- GNOME slogan, we were thinking of combining in a block a slogan and a
screenshot of a GNOME desktop, so people having no idea of whbat GNOME
is could get a visual hint with that block linking to the About page. We
don't have as much space as for the
thumbnail but still I think it's with to give it a try to show that what
we make has to do with a computer desktop.

- Featured product should be an info block with title, short description
and logo. Think that this block would be taking the content from a
database, needs to have a template.

- Banner area. It is ok by now to play with just one big banner but in
some iteration we will need to see how that area works with 2 or more.
If we find effective ways to do so we can perhaps save the "banner of
choice" in the right column.

Well, enough comments for this iteration. Congratulations for your work.

Quim Gil /// |

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