Re: layout Plan - feedback form

Olav, read this through please.  :)

All pages will have a "Contact us" link in the footer. What Claus
suggests is different, and interesting.

On Tue, 2006-09-19 at 11:48 +0200, Claus Schwarm wrote:

 "Did _this page_ provided the information you were looking for?"

I have seen this kind of microsurveys in online support pages, knowledge
bases, FAQs... but they are not so frequent in general websites afaik.
For instance, such link would be great in library.go and at some extent
at live.go and even news.go.

The problem of such questions in a more general/marketing website is
that the fact of a user not finding the information she was looking for
doesn't automatically imply the page is wrong (i.e. looking for a eMule
download in GNOME Products). In a FAQ page it is easier to measure if my
question is answered or not.

But you are right, user opinions are the best way to improve things,
specially when something we have done is wrong. Maybe we could have
something like a Web-BugBuddy:

- Set a "Improve this page" link at the footer of all wgo pages.

- The link sends to a wgo form with the following fields:

        * Page URL (automatically completed, unchangeable)
        * You are reporting an error / an enhancement (select)
        * Body (required)
        * Enter your email address if you want top receive updates about your
report (optional, bugzilla users would use their ID address)

This form is in fact a way to send data to product Website in
bugzilla.go without making users deal with the bugzilla registration and

However, both will give you an idea what needs improvement.

Agreed. Making a question more open would help us getting other feedback
i.e. misspellings, wrong URLs, new ideas...

Additionally, you can add a measure raning from 1 to 7.

As said, I would do this in library.go but the results could be too
distort and difficult to interpret in wgo.

Quim Gil /// |

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