Re: GNOME store

On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 07:38 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:

To answer Quim's question, we can of course ask HT to change the
t-shirt. They may decide to discontinue the line, rather than reprint,
but that's their choice.

In this case we better tell them something when we have new designs for
t-shirts, maybe they are happy just picking them. This would be another
reason to have the designs made by GNOME contributors and not by a
specific reseller.

Quim: have you discussed purchase of stock with Killermundi? I mean,
what happens when the contract ends?

According to what we have discussed they would be happy assuming the
cost as far as we allow them to sell the remaining stock. Stocks would
be documented, so we would know how many t-shirts etc remain when the
contract ends.

They say they are not going to have big stocks though, and that was one
reason why they are asking about sales expectations. 

Quim Gil ///

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