Re: wgo Tour: which pages?

On Wed, 2006-11-22 at 09:55 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
On Wed, 2006-11-22 at 00:19 +0100, Quim Gil wrote:
 1. Simply Powerful Desktop - easy to use, manage and make it yours
 2. Essential Tools - the official set + the big gtk collection
 3. GNOME software also on Windows & Mac
 4. Multilingual & international - the software and the support
 5. Usable, Accessible, Standards, Quality
 6. Shipped by... distros, olpc, 770 & embedded
 7. Deployments out there
 8. Development platform
What about inserting here a page about Innovation & Roadmap... GNOME
shaping its future. Would it make sense to introduce here
planned/unstable developments even if they are not official and perhaps
not even strictly GNOME (but GNOME-compatible?). I'm thinking specially
in the 3D desktop stuff (impressive eye-candy showcasing the power of
the free desktop). There is also the battle against the clock
(optimizing miliseconds) and energy consumption (more battery life).
What else? Perhaps mentioning the 10X10 and Topaz would make sense here
as well. 

 9. Community, Foundation, companies, events
 10. Free! and open to you

Also, it's completely unfinished and has been waiting for a long time
for someone to pick it up. 
It is a good reference to start with and could inspire an ulterior walk
through the GNOME desktop in a descriptive way: panels, applications,
preferences, administration... A potential >2.18 goal.

Your list sounds like a great structure -
this should indeed be more about promotion than simple user
Good! Now we should define how a page of the tour looks like. Are we
talking about highly graphic slides with no scroll like a presentation
or a Flash thing, or should we go for more explanatory pages with scroll
(if needed) where text paragraphs are combined with screenshots and
other types of illustrations?

The GNOME stars need to be in this tour - who are they?

It's also an opportunity to bring out the best slogans we have created -
which are they?
I'll come back with these questions again once we have an ugly
alpha.  :)
Quim Gil ///

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