Re: wgo url policy

Dave Neary wrote:
- I suggest no extensions to file names, this way resources can act as
for example: and
instead of and

I don't think this is really an issue. Direct linking to a html page is
common, having one directory per page (which is what would result) is
unwieldy, and (as you point out) .odf, .pdf, .jpg, etc - files have
extensions, those extensions convey some information. I don't think we
need a policy for this.
***Jakob Nielsen <> wrote an interesting article on this subject* <>. There is also an informative article here <>. Intriguingly however, both these urls contradict their articles advice!

I would be in favour of keeping urls as simple as possible, and removing unnecessary information on page urls, such as .html or .php. N.B. I'm not advocating taking off the the extensions for .jpg files - I can't think of a use case where we would ever want to point a visitor at a .jpg file. We have utilities like modrewrite, so we don't need to create a directory for each page. actually has two files called /backgrounds and /themes that deal with all the requests from urls such as /themes/icon/1234 (and I've even considered adding the ability for /themes/icon/gartoon).


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