Forwarding a Eugenia's email to the list, as requested.
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- From: "Eugenia Loli-Queru" <eloli hotmail com>
- To: "Santiago Roza" <santiago roza thymbra com>
- Cc: "Quim Gil" <qgil desdeamericaconamor org>
- Subject: Re: The relation with
- Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 16:13:17 -0700
you're also using a trademark without proper authorization!I don't know what "proper authorization" would be (you mean, in writing?), but the Gnome Board HAS discussed the Gnomefiles situation last year. This is the email I received some time ago from a Gnome member:"The GNOME board have now discussed that issue and come to the agree that you and are generally doing a very good job that we are happy with. GNOME choose the LGPL for multiple reasons, allowing non-gpl including non-free software is one of those. That said we do support free software above non-free and we feel that should in some way or form come through. [...] If you would also be willing to consider marking non-free software clearer as such, maybe boldfacing their license field or something that would also be appreciated. "And this has happened, I have complied with this request (all non-Free apps are now marked as such). I am not sure what more it can be done for this, it seems that the Board doesn't have a problem with Gnomefiles generally speaking especially after fixing the only standing issue. So no, I am not willing to remove non-Free apps from the listing. I prefer open source applications too (don't get me wrong), it's just that I also want the site to be a full, complete GTK+ app is a GTK software repository.why not calling it then??Marketing. Users don't generally know what GTK really is. It would fail if it was called gtkfiles and people couldn't even pronounce the name of the site. We like it or not, Gnome is the best ambassador for GTK. And that's why the site was named as such. In fact, MOST of our readers ARE Gnome users! And most of the applications listed there DO use the Gnome libraries! Gnome is in the HEART of the site, even if the site allows non-gnome apps too. However, I think that is also registered, but it's not pointing anywhere atm. I am not sure if the owner actually bought the domain name when I asked him to do so 2 years ago. But I _did_ ask him to do so. I am just not sure if it went anywhere.Sorry I can't reply to the list just yet, my emails somehow don't go through and I have unsubscribed. I tried re-subscribing but the authorization hasn't arrive yet. Quim, if you would be so kind and forward my email to the list?thanks,Eugenia
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