Re: On breaking the woohoo barrier...thoughts on how GNOME can get great

<quote who="Iain *">

Kathy's talk on passionate users, Apple's "Mac vs PC" adverts and their
success with making things cool have shown us that people don't care about
what a computer can do, but what they can do with a computer (there may be
more of a difference in my mind, I'm just lacking a good way of explaining
it). The whole idea that "Here's some cool stuff you can do" rather than
"this computer can do these 1000 features."

This is the distinction between "features" and "benefits". Apple have always
been good about communicating *benefits* first, features second. I feel that
Microsoft have traditionally done it backwards.

I have been banging on this drum in the Ubuntu community for a while, but I
guess I haven't been banging it sufficiently loud in GNOME: Whenever we talk
about GNOME, we *must* talk first and foremost about benefits, and then back
it up with the features.

I guess first we need to know who we're targetting. I get a sneaking
suspicion looking at the apple mac vs pc ads that they realised halfway
through that they were maybe portraying the mac as too much of a fun
computer and the PC was the work machine.

(Interesting side note - no idea what their focus group responses were for
these ads, but they've had a pretty distinct negative impression all over
the place. People tend to identify with comedian John Hodgman's dorky guy,
rather than Justin Long's smartarse, 'elitist', slacker.)

I don't really know what we need to satisfy this mythical user, but some
of the things my non-computery friends use computers for would be photo
management and instant messenger.

Linux Australia had a booth at an education expo trade show here in .au, to
talk about FLOSS, share ideas, and get in the heads of education people. I
gave the GNOME pitch to a group of high school girls (who wanted "the cute
penguin stickers"), and figured instant messaging would be a good thing to
show off. I asked if they used IM ("yeah! duh!") and if they were on lots of
IM networks ("yeah, you have to be")... Then I showed them my Gaim buddies,
showing Jabber, MSN, AIM, ICQ. They all wanted it, so I gave them the Ubuntu
CD pack (which includes Windows software on the LiveCD). One of the girls
said, "Well, if Linux has amazing stuff like this that I didn't know about,
then I just want to run Linux."

*And she still does.*

I'm sure I've forgotten something, and this probably turned into a stream
of thoughts rather than anything coherent. Oh well

You're not alone - these are very important thoughts that are plaguing many
minds in the GNOME world and are a direct outgrowth from our massive refocus
on usability, benefits > features, making users kick arse, and 'universal
access'. This change in thinking - our collective passion for changing the
way we (and others) think about the FLOSS user experience - is making waves.

People are always asking me why Ubuntu has been so successful so quickly...
The 'Zen of GNOME', and GNOME itself, is a very big piece of that success.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia 
  "A problem worthy of attack, proves its worth by fighting back." - Paul

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