Re: [Fwd: Exhibitor Magazine Honors LinuxWorld San Francisco 2005 for its Attendee Traffic Density]

I totally agree about the BOF.  I never did one, but I think it
would prove quite useful.  If I recall, it's fairly easy to do one given
some advanced notice.

I'll email you and Glynn the contact I know for OSCON.


On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 11:02:03AM +0100, Paul Cooper wrote:

----- Glynn Foster <Glynn Foster Sun COM> wrote:

Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
Personally, it's probably more effective to walk around with a
shoulder bag filled with GNOME CD's and schmooze at OSCON which is
really the kind of conference where I find booths to be of limited

Sounds like a good plan - I'll be up at OSCON too this year. Maybe
there's some spare tshirts from GUADEC that we can hand out?

Another thing we could do is hold a BOF / impromptu event. Haven't been to OSCON at it's new venue but they 
alway used to provide rooms for BOFS. With at least Glynn, JDub and me there we should have enough people 
to do something (if nothing else talk about Guadec 2007).

And along the lines of this Kathy Sierra piece
we might want to show of hidden / unkown / useful / upcoming features in Gnome. I'm running AIGLX and 
gimmie so can show off that stuff. Or we could grab the latest Jokosher, Pitivi, Diva (anything else) 
releases and walk through those.


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