Re: [Fwd: Exhibitor Magazine Honors LinuxWorld San Francisco 2005 for its Attendee Traffic Density]

On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 06:54:56PM +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
I'm not sure. I don't think that there has been any groundswell interest
in organising one.

In fact, our US event organisation is about the worst anywhere - in
France, gnome-fr more or less makes sure we have a stand at every
important event, in Germany, GNOME-de does the same thing. We have no
local US infrastructure for these kinds of things in the US. Anyone
fancy founding a GNOME-US?

I've usually done the GNOME booth at OSCON but it's pretty expensive
for little return.  OSCON is primarily a web conference IMHO
and unless GNOME can show some sort of easy collaboration with web
apps it's not worth putting a booth there.  Sun generally shows up there
with it a booth on JDS and we should try to share the booth with them
if we can next year.  I *think* Glynn is coming this year... but I'm not

I will not be putting up a booth this year, and in fact the deadline
has passed.  I'm buried in work right now and I can't afford to
take off another week having just spent 10 days away for GUADEC.

I'm more than willing to show up in the evenings and schmooze[1]. :-)  

As for GNOME-US... Let me think about it.  I think I can try.  We're 
doing something similar for just Portland with the local Free Software
groups here.  Portland is a huge pro-free software city and is a good 
place to start.


[1] The act of gaining contacts by chatter

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