Re: Simple Idea for Gnome Journal

Way way better than mine.  My next one was the "The Knights that say GuhNOME"
so glad you stopped me. 


On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 02:36:13PM -0300, Lucas Rocha wrote:

In a ultra-fast talk with Claus and Jimmy on IRC, we decided to call
it "Behind the Scenes: Contributor Name".

Contribution goes here:

p eace


2006/2/6, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com>:
On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 09:47:17PM +1100, Hugh Buzacott wrote:
How about 'Meet a GNOME'.

I'm not very enthused by the title.  I keep thinking garden gnomes
and I'm not very interested in meeting those. :-)

How about:

"Meet a Knight of the GNOME  Desktop Revolution"

It's silly enough to take notice.  But I felt stupid killing your
suggestion and not coming up with one of my own.  It's probably as
good as yours.

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