Why GNOME (was gnome app pages)

--- Claus Schwarm <c schwarm gmx net> wrote:

However, I have a draft about the why; reformulated
from existing
pages. It's attached. A native English speaker is
probably able
to refine the basic idea without problems; I just
picked the words in
the headers because of their, well, rhythm.
At first glance this looks good. I like the way points
are laid out.

'It's reliable. Granted.'

'Granted' doesn't mean what you think it does in this
context. It sort of means 'I grudgingly concede your
point' ;)
And 'reliable' is a bit too vague, as we could be
talking about reliability in the sense that gnome
doesn't crash...

This is the sort of thing we should use the wiki for,
as it makes it easy for several people to work on  documents.

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