Defining products list and pages

Hi everyone !

This is an attempt to get conclusions from the discussion about the
"software map" and so on.

Let me take a simple example : rhythmbox.
We need simple entry point like this :
This URL raise 303 See Other HTTP code [1] to

This page haven't the same goal of (For the moment, please don't
care about etc.)

Which contents on this page ?

- A part with structured informations : website, maintainer, ...
This part can be machine-generated.

- A free-part wish feature the application in a cool way with
Example :

Product list

- Auto-generated.
- URL:

Which apps ?
I propose to start with a small list of clear candidates (Like gedit,
rhythmbox, epiphany, ...)  and we will increase it on demand or on
marketing criteria.
The GNOME Foundation will define and everything will be clear.

What about DOAP ?

- The vocabulary :

- DOAP is I18n ready :

- A shared space :
Let me quote qgil :
what I was thinking to avoid that "duplication" issue was
that the doap fields could be edited somewhere accessible by marketing
and each project
and both could use the same fields i.e. "project description" or
"feature list" or whatever (I have no clue about DOAP "classes" if
there are)
this way we could enforce a collaborative editing between marketing 
and project people
and nobody would be doing the work twice
So... whit DOAPs, we can auto-generate (in several languages) : 
        - the structured space of product's page
        - the product list


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