Re: Christmas cards

I'm glad, you and Rajiv found this interesting. The basic use cases:

 * An enthusiast already talk to family and friends about GNOME/Linux.
But there're some more people he or she doesn't know 'that' good. It
doesn't seem appropriate to talk to them about their operating systems.
A short note on a card means: "If you're interested, here's somebody to
help!" Additionally, it also means: "This new Linux thingy seems to be
more widespread that usually said."

 * It might be a nice add-on for merchandising: Weather we start selling
T-Shirts or six-pack of xmas cards is not a big difference. Smaller
companies might be interested to use this as a sort of GNOME funding
effort. They need such cards anyway.

 * It's a simple way to demonstrate what's already possible with F/OSS

Of course, everybody is invited to present the idea to whoever seems
appropriate (has an established system for merchandising, and an
interest in promoting F/OSS). No need to constrain ourselves to GNOME.


On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 18:49:14 -0400
Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:

Interesting idea*. Maybe this is something the gimp or inkscape people
would want to drive, as the 'graphics people'? Certainly they have the
artistic firepower to bring to bear :)


*And tangentially, we should consider sending something like this to
the FOG with a year-in-review kind of thing, which is traditional here
in the states- the head of the family sends out a summary of what the
family has done over the year ('little stephen graduated from
kindergarten, henrieta learned to drive', etc.) to all the friends of
the family.

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