Re: "Start here" document for the live CDs

On 5/23/05, Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:
<quote who="Luis Villa">

How about hosting it in yelp? That's what we're doing in Ubuntu. (See
the ubuntu-docs package, the "About Ubuntu" item in the System menu, and
the front page of Yelp.)

I'm not completely opposed, but given that this effectively is a marketing
CD, I want to have a launcher on the desktop that is big and in-your-face
and goes directly to it. Can I do that in yelp?

Yes, and i18n aware - see the About Ubuntu item in the System menu.

Ah, right, of course you're doing that with a .desktop file. Silly me.

[NB that i18n aware probably doesn't matter that much, as I expect
every ~/Desktop/ will have to be fairly hand-crafted per language for
maximum impact.]
And can I have a stylesheet that doesn't feature a flotation ring, given
that I'm not trying to stop anyone from drowning while I'm marketing to
them? :)

The actual documentation display doesn't include those graphics, so it's no
problem if you've got a direct link. It's probably not important to have
this stuff represented on the Yelp front page anyway.


I'm playing some more; at any rate, I have confidence that if we're
doing it in docbook we'll be able to mangle it to what we want in the
end regardless. I'm going to focus on the content for a while :)


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