Re: Tuxmagazine

On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 09:58:10PM -1200, Glynn Foster wrote:
Don't get too worked up about the quote that I had above - that was
really just to incite people, and get a discussion started. I'm not so
much worried about the polls that they get their data from. I'm more
worried about the content and quality of the GNOME articles - is this
something that we can have some sort of influence over?

Dunno, but we do have our own magazine that we do have control
of the content for the most part.  I would be more interested in
getting these magazines to use our GNOME articles instead especially
if they are widely read. (people should step up to write articles too :P)

If we could get our advisory team to also export some our articles to
internal IBM or something that would rock.  There's probably ways to do

Why is that? Why are 99% of the Linux magazines out there KDE based?
Seems like there are important questions to answer for the marketing

I think because KDE is perceived to be the dominant desktop (despite
the fact that I think a lot of apps are GTK+ based, some people
really hate C++(1) :-)  Most of Europe is using it aren' they not?
I think most of the linux magazines are European based (at least the
"fan" ones)


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