Re: Roozbeh's post..

On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 04:19:32PM -0600, Richard Hoelscher wrote:
It's a concern, but I think it is nothing insurmountable. The
gnome-love project helps, but there's small problems with awareness of
it and similar efforts like the translation project. (Paths like
g.o->d.g.o->'Getting Involved' doesn't do what you may think, and yes,
I realize I'm volunteering to fix it by mentioning it.)

Perhaps, I should try to facilitate an article series in GNOME
Journal that highlights how to get involved with GNOME and providing
background on how GNOME is put together technically.  This might
get more volunteers to help since talking about technical details
tend to get people involved.

The nice thing about using the Journal is that it's front and
center and it has a much wider audience than Footnotes since it
can be distributed..

I'm not sure I can actually write one due to my own time constraints.
But perhaps we can get a bunch of people together to hammer out 
what the series would look like.


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