Re: support for local gnome groups.

I know there are some things that can be sent around. 
Tim has some of the hard collateral and a quick e-mail
to him will get them on their way.  On several
occasions (in the early days of GNOME), we'd direct
print to a Kinko's if there was one near the location
of an expo.

Perhaps the step is to put together a resource
directory - with what's available, etc.  That cold
include speakers.


--- Erik Snoeijs <ErikSnoeijs nl gnome org> wrote:
Now in my humble opinion the local gnome groups are
the most important
gnome marketing asset. Since basically they are the
direct link to
middle sized and small businesses and local people.

I think that a lot of these groups could do a lot
more if they got more
backing from "global gnome" then just a pat on the
back and a
encouraging speech. (not meant as vindictive as one
might read.)

Now i'm not talking money. I'm talking about
network, i'm talking about
events where global gnome could perhaps arrange for
a famous gnome
person to also be there, just to have that little
extra that will give a
company the feel that gnome is not a "internet"
thing but a well
organized project that they could reliably use in
there business.

Also i was thinking about props. Like simple posters
or gnome t-shirts
that could be made in bulk for all global gnome
groups so the cost would
be reduced. Because getting proper props is now
quite a expensive
business if you don't have a sponsor.
Good props are in my opinion essential to give a
good first impression.

And there are probably more ideas that could be
realized for local gnome
groups to further the goal of marketing the gnome
project and supplying
local businesses with information about gnome.

Erik Snoeijs <ErikSnoeijs nl gnome org>


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