Re: Create your own customised GNOME liveCD

If I'm not mistaken, another LiveCD has a graphical install tool,

It's KDE based, unfortunatly, but remastering seems to be rather easy,
and according to their forums, GNOME's in their repositories.

I'm also disappointed that gparted doesn't seem to be considered in
Ubuntu; especially because the developer of gparted was inspired due to
one of my forum posts. ;)


On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 13:31:05 -0300
Santiago Roza <santiagoroza gmail com> wrote:

"P.S.: Speaking of LiveCDs in general: Without a graphical partion
tool ..."

i've seen this issue (graphical partition tool) in the breezy bounty
list (with priority = high), and i wondered why wasn't gparted
( being considered as a suitable option...
it's gtk-based and equal or probably better (feature and
usability-wise) than qtparted, a popular graphical (parted-based)
partition tool that's included by default in some kde-based distros
(like mepis)

Santiago Roza
santiagoroza gmail com

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