Re: Friends-of-GNOME database [Re: Modifying GNOME-About to count users]

<quote who="Owen Taylor">

[ It doesn't look like the CivicCRM relationship to the rest of 
  Drupal is strong ... basically Drupal seems to just be used
  as the user database.

It's built on top of the framework as plugins, so it could be separated
logically, but it'd include a bunch of Drupal anyway. Organisationally
they're getting closer, the latest CivicSpace stuff is not a branch of
Drupal, just a bunch of plugins on top of 4.6, which helps both projects.

  I think we have to be fairly careful if
  we have Drupal installed not to just start using it for random
  things because it's there, if that's not coherent with our
  overall web plans ]

It *may* fit in with other plans, and if anything, using it for this would
encourage it. But I'll push back against random too. :-)

- Jeff

GNOME Summit 2005: October 8th-10th
      "I don't want the world, I just want your half." - They Might Be
                               Giants, Ana Ng

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