Re: real marketing or just catchy slogans?

<quote who="Dan Winship">

The same principle should hold for GNOME. If we are actually better than
our competitors, than all we have to do is make sure that the distros
realize this (by marketing ourselves *to the distros*), and we win. And if
we *aren't* better than our competitors, then we're working against users'
interests if we try to convince them otherwise.

Agree - just want to butt in to say "developers" are customers of GNOME too,
and we should treat them equally as importantly as we have the distros.

- Jeff

-- 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand     
     "It is said that there are only six jokes in the world, and I can
    assure you that we can only broadcast three of them..." - John Watt,
                   the BBC's Head of Variety in the 30's

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