Re: OpenCD & GNOME


Claus Schwarm a écrit :
I've not looked at the OpenCD yet, so the following may sound foolish.
However, promoting the GNOME development platform to end users seems
somewhat misguided.
The sell is not the development environment, it's the applications... 
"Use top-quality free software on Windows!", "GNOME desktop software for 
free on Windows", "Put yourself on the road to enlightenment with 
Abiword, GNUmeric, the GIMP, and many more!"
The software people run off the OpenCD is the office software present on 
a typical GNOME desktop - OpenOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, the GIMP, 
Abiword, Gnumeric, Audacity and many more.
Would the launcher thingy allow to include information about additional
GNOME apps that are related to a certain application or category, but
have not yet been ported to Windows?
Not a good idea, IMHO. Get people using free software, learning about 
the philosophy, the community, the freedom. Force-feeding Linux, or 
software that they're not ready to use yet (otherwise, why use the 
OpenCD? Why not install GNU/Linux directly?) is not a good idea.
Plus, it's in bad taste. People don't like that kind of thing.


David Neary
bolsh gimp org

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