Re: OpenCD & GNOME

On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 21:37 +0200, David Neary wrote:

I've been talking to the guys over at the OpenCD recently, trying to 
figure out how we can work together in terms of co-operation and 
co-branding. For thse who don't know, the OpenCD ships a bunch of free 
software apps (mostly GTK+ based) and also has a cut-down Ubuntu LiveCD 
in their latest version, so they also ship a complete GNOME desktop.

Anyone have any nice ideas about how we could get some nice news & 
marketing mileage out of a partnership?
Can we make their LiveCD be basically our LiveCD, with the gconf tweaks
and the advertising content?

We could try to ensure that fun applications running on Windows, such as
Gimp and Inkscape, are identified as built with the GNOME development

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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