Re: Merchandise and publicity packs for conferences


Jeff Waugh wrote:
Do you know anyone who's hot with inkscape/illustrator, and perhaps a
printers who would make us nice big banners & glossy posters? :)

I feel guilty hitting on jimmac for this kind of stuff all the time...

Printers we can probably sort out through sponsors. Artists - well, we could
open it up to the floor if we had some good specs. Let's start with a vector
format (SVG, EPS) -> how big do we want it?

Sounds like a great idea - a banner should be roughly 1x8 or
1x10, about A3 height (I guess) - that's roughly 42cm x 4.2 m
(wow - that sounds big), posters should be A2 - 42cm wide by 60cm
high - or A1 for really big ones (approx. 60 cm wide, 80 cm

btw, Sebastien Biot has been doing most of the nice banner images on, he might be keen to have a go at a big banner. :-)

Cool :) Let's get this thing rolling...


        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
   E-Mail: bolsh gimp org

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