Re: Merchandise and publicity packs for conferences

<quote who="Dave Neary">

This might not be something which comes under the remit of the marketing
list (if so, shout), but something which seems to me to be a huge need
right now for GNOME is some kind of merchandising agreement.

The Board has arranged a couple of these, and is still working on a few.
I've been pushing for licensing arrangements with known, trusted, local
companies (there's one here in .au that would love to do it), so we'd have
good global coverage - but we also want to make sure it doesn't get messy
competitively, etc. :-)

In particular, I've asked Tim to work out a merchandising agreement with a
company called E-Flo, who do Mozilla's merchandising stuff. Bart Decrem
pimped them so hard to me at LWE that the E-Flo dude couldn't even get a
word in. ;-)

Anyway, yes, this is something the new board can continue to work on, and
something marketing team should be pushing them for.

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia
           What do you get when you cross a web server and a hen?

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