Re: LiveCD Media Project


Quoting Ian McIntosh <ian_mcintosh linuxadvocate org>:
Still need to FIND/PICK:

MP3/OGG, 4MB, a CreativeCommons-licensed track? (which?)

Solicit some band to release a song for us? Bands like this kind of thing...

Alternatively, if it's a studio with their hands on the content, how about a
friend of GNOME? Is there one? How do Time feel about us? How would we get a
list of contacts?

JPG/PNG, 1MB, some nature photos or GNOME-branded art? (which?) had lots of GNOME branded art - I would pick a couple of noce
splashes. Also has a bunch of splash screens for the
GIMP, if you're interested :)

DOC, 500K, ideally something well known that we DIDN'T create, to
'prove' that DOCs can be opened. (ideas?)

A well known file in a particular file format? I don't think such a beast
exists. Perhaps we could point at and open something on, without
actually having the file on the disk?

OO Impress, 200K, Maybe a stock "About GNOME" presentation?

How about Nat's "Swinging the pendulum" talk from last year's GUADEC? I liked
it. Or if there is some more "sales pitch" type presentation that someone has
hidden away, share? :)

Theora video, ?MB, is this necessary given that we already have an MPG?
(and limited space)

Wouldn't bother me not having a video file on there. But it's definitely nice to
push the open media standards where we can. A bit of a dilemma, that.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France

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