Re: [Ekiga-list] New to SIP, VoIP and Ekiga

On Sun, 29 May 2016 08:28:02 +0200
Eugen Dedu <eugen dedu univ-fcomte fr> wrote:

On 29/05/16 01:03, Saul A. Peebsen wrote:
On Sat, 28 May 2016 22:21:02 +0200
Eugen Dedu <eugen dedu univ-fcomte fr> wrote:
Ok, I understand.  Could you sent us or me the -d 4 log (compressed
with zip for ex.) to see where do these calls come from?  See
for how to get it.  

OK, I tried and ended up with empty log. I'm running on Gentoo. Do I
need to recompile Ekiga with -g to get debug output?  


Just execute in a terminal:
ekiga -d 4 2>xyz
and send me the xyz file.

As I said, nothing to send, the file xyz is 0 bytes. I'm starting to
think my setup produces crippled ekiga executable.

This is the output of emerge --info ekiga.

Cheers, Saul

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