Re: [Ekiga-list] Perhaps a race? Some numbers work, others not

On 19/10/15 21:13, ael wrote:
As far as I can tell, the call to 50000 is ended here:

015/10/15 14:03:54.146   0:08.674      OnRelease:...0bda1fe700 OpalCon Connecti
on Call[Cac0451611]-EP<pc>[P5bf68fff2] released
         Initial Time: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 14:03:53 +01:00
           SetUpPhase: 0.000
      ProceedingPhase: N/A
        AlertingPhase: N/A
       ConnectedPhase: 0.944
     EstablishedPhase: 0.944
      ForwardingPhase: N/A
       ReleasingPhase: 1.081
        ReleasedPhase: 1.081
      Call end reason: EndedByRemoteUser

On a quick scan, I couldn't see what reason was given for the remote

After a quick look at the log, I see a BYE packet send by sipgate. This means it wants to close the connection, hence the reason you point above: EndedByRemoteUser.

I see this for example when I call 520 ekiga net: this is an echo call, i.e. I call, *closes* the connection after 1-2 seconds, and calls me afterwards.


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