Re: [Ekiga-list] About

Am 2015-03-28 um 19:39 schrieb David Ford:
This is the problem of community software.

So what are the other options?
What partnership? What platforms?

And, importantly, what would the Ekiga team actually LIKE to do - you
are the people who make Ekiga happen.


On 28 March 2015 at 17:12, Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com
<mailto:dsandras seconix com>> wrote:

    Hi everyone, has been running since 2006 when there were no free SIP
    providers. Maintaining the platform is much work for our small team.
    Some features have been missing for years without anyone having the
    time to implement them.

    Should we keep the platform or try to find a partnership with
    someone to move it to another platform?

    Who is using
I'm a longtime user and I'm using it almost every day on my
mobile phone or desktop machine since about two years (when my own
Asterisk server machine broke down).

    Through the years there have been nearly 1 million subscribers.

    Ah well, if each of them had donated 1 € ;)
Donations would certainly be an option for me (as long as I don't have
to be a Paypal customer for this ;) ).

But I'm also curious to know what the team likes to do, what the other
options and especially the missing feature are. I have to admit that I
didn't miss any feature up to now. :-)


PS: thanks a lot for keeping up and running so far.

    Damien SANDRAS

    *Ekiga Project*

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