Re: [Ekiga-list] does not work on Fedora

On 09/28/2014 01:21 PM, Eugen Dedu wrote:

Could you please explain a one paragraph what does the script do?  If I
understand correctly, you send a packet from each port used by Ekiga and
checks if you receive an answer back, is it?

Yes, Basically port_test function/subroutine opens the source port and each destination port in the port_ary using in indicated protocol (udp, tcp) to receive the whole line for that test.

It prints FAILED or passed as each port is tested to give user feedback while testing. Any failed port test bumps fault count and failed ports go into an error array and dumped to console for user to fix.

The outside loop is using the PC's ip address on the LAN side of the router/modem, then uses the WAN/ISP side of router to check if router passes message through to PC.

Example of "3478 udp mandatory Outgoing STUN for SIP (phone calls) and RTP (video)." test

outside loop picks LAN ip, (
open source port 38564 using udp, open destination port 3478 using udp,
sends above message to port 3478, then closes both ports.

If all ports pass LAN test, code picks WAN/ISP ip. ( and runs the port test again.

Last test is to ping the register's sip._udp servers.

If Ekiga can not figure out WAN ip, user can get get them from the command line using
wget -O-

or a browser using the url. Or webpage could provide the WAN ip in the test section. Another possibility is Ekiga could read to fetch the value automagically.

Ekiga could even send the users registar and the cgi could return the registar's sip servers to ping. :)

You need to review the mandatory/required field to verify if I have identified those correctly. I did my best from documentation.

For range ports like 5000-5100 and 30000-30010 I just picked a few.

No idea if you want to put the "Solution" code in Ekiga or have it on the site.

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