Re: [Ekiga-list] does not work on Fedora

On 28/09/14 15:15, mdbug wrote:

On 09/28/2014 05:07 AM, fred k wrote:
<Changed thread and subject>

Looks like two questions.
Any suggestions?

Gerente wrote:

I use Fedora 20 and still could not use ekiga to talk to another
computer or smartphone.

It is like ekiga can not enter on another network. Is there any door
to open on modem?

Send us the -d 4 log and we will try to help you.

You do not need to change anything on stun, except if you need a specific configuration.

When I had problems getting ekiga working with, I did not
have correct firewall ports configured to let the connection through.
Diamondcard blacklisted my ip address.

Because of that, I kocked out a quick kludgely script to test that ports
were open on the pc's firewall, then verify modem firewall was passing
data on ekiga ports, then pinging diamondcard to verify my ip was not

I think it would be nice if the ekiga had a port test option that ran
through the same tests.

I saved your shell script on my computer and put it on my TODO list. I come back here when I will analyse ok. Thank you!

Could you please explain a one paragraph what does the script do? If I understand correctly, you send a packet from each port used by Ekiga and checks if you receive an answer back, is it?


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