Re: [Ekiga-list] Account is no locked anymore. What to do?

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 10:41:09AM -0500, junk_no_spam wrote:
On 08/18/2013 10:03 AM, Csanyi Pal wrote:

~$ type rpm
rpm is /usr/bin/rpm

That caused the error. Thought Debian did not use rpm.
I'm removing the rpm test.
DNAT:debug:GM   net     loc:       udp     5000:5016
DNAT:debug:GM   net     loc:       udp     5020:5023
DNAT:debug:GM   net     loc:       udp     5060:5100

You have some holes in the 5000-5100 range. Suggest 5000:5100.

I assume you will restart the router after changes.

Now I have:
# ekiga
DNAT:debug:GM   net     loc:       udp     5000:5100

Have restarted gateway firewall:
sudo shorewall check
sudo shorewall stop
sudo shorewall start

Still can't call from Ekiga PC to phone. Why?

I run again the last modified script and get output, see attached file.

Regards from Pal

Attachment: voip_ck.output.bz2
Description: Binary data

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