Re: [Ekiga-list] Profiles?

On 17/07/12 02:07, Daniel von Wachter wrote:
Equipment: Ekiga 3.2.7; OpenSUSE 12.1 64-bit.

How can various users use Ekiga on the same computer (in the same home
directory), each having different SIP accounts and contacts? Other
programs, e.g. Thunderbird and Gajim, allow for various profiles, e.g.
with “gajim -p john” and “gajim -p peter”.

It is not possible with ekiga.  I think it is not worth implementing.

But there is a method to achieve the same effect. On your machine, do something like that (need to be modified a bit):

killall gconfd-2
mv ~/.gconf/apps/ekiga ~/.gconf/apps/ekiga-USERNAME
mv ~/.gconf/apps/ekiga-NEWUSERNAME ~/.gconf/apps/ekiga

Eugen Dedu

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