Re: [Ekiga-list] Fw: Add a menu entry of "ekiga -d 4" output

On Fri, 13 Jan 2012 12:31:10 +0200
Genghis Khan <genghiskhan gmx ca> wrote:

> Add a menu item in the Help menu which will say "Auto-build a report"
> "Analise and send" or "anything else", which will prompt the user to a
> dialog which will explain shortly what is this feature, what does it
> do and so on... and it will tell to the user that Ekiga is going to
> restart itself and will generate a debug file and there will be a link
> to the Users Mailing List or to both Users (Help) and Devel
> (Development) Mailing Lists.
> Any thoughts?
And this auto report generator will also archive/compress (7z, gzip,
tar, zip or whatever is available) this report (this will save a lot of
trouble to all of us, instead of using File Uploading websites).

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