[Ekiga-list] Problems registering Ekiga 3.3.2 behind NAT

I've got Ekiga 3.3.2 and Opal 3.10.2 set up to register with an Asterisk server. This works fine when not going through a NAT. When connecting via a NAT, Ekiga appears to unregister immediately.

The output of ekiga -d 4 is available here:

Looking through that output, it seems that what happens is:
1. Ekiga registers with the Contact header containing its local IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. 2. Asterisk responds with an OK and the Contact header contains the local IPv4 address given in (1). The Via header contains the global IPv4 address that the original REGISTER appeared to come from after being NATted. 3. Ekiga spots that the connection has been NATted and sends a new REGISTER with a Contact header containing the local IPv4 address, and the global IPv4 address from the Via header in (2)
4. Asterisk responds with an OK but no Contact header
5. Ekiga sends 2 REGISTER requests, one with the Contact set to the global IPv4 address, the other with the Contact set to the local IPv4 address.
6. Asterisk responds with an OK and no contact header.

I can't quite figure out whether its Asterisk or Ekiga doing the wrong thing. I can't understand why Asterisk would be responding to the REGISTER requests but supplying no Contact header.


 - Steve

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