just asking myself : is it easier to set up just telephone
conferencing in Linux?
greetings, James
Op 03-11-11 11:03, Thierry Simonnet schreef:
Dear all,
sorry for this late answer.
I use ekiga as Video Conferencing client.
To clarify the VC trouble, it is important to know what is really
There are different tools :
- web conferencing ones (OpenMeeting for exemple)
- light VC systems (using PC or softphone clients)
- VC systems like Tandberg or Polycom systems allowing
external client to use these VC facilities (mostly using H323
All solutions use a server and clients
Ekiga is only a client and doesn't have embedded VC facilities
Server is necessary to aggregate all incoming audio/video streams
to send the resulting stream to all clients.
For my academic research and R&D projects, I use with my
partners an Asterisk PBX based solution. It is then necessary to
setup an external application like app_konference.
It is also possible to use freeswitch PBX that have native VC
Ekiga is fully compatible with Polycom and Tandberg solutions
(using H323 or SIP). When using SIP there is a trouble with
Polycom solution : bridge is not initialized by any SIP client and
a least one client must use H323 protocol (tested with different
Polycom solutions).
Hope this helps.
Don't hesitate to contact me for further explanation. VC is my
resarch domain and I use ekiga as preferred client.
Best regards
Le 25/10/2011 16:16, Georg Umgiesser a écrit :
Daer All,
I am trying to find out the suitability of Ekiga for my needs. I
work in a research institution of about 200 researchers
scattered in Italy between 7 different locations. Meetings to be
held are costly, because these locations are up to 700 km apart.
It would be nice to have a possibility to set up a video
conferencing tool between our institutes. However, it must be
possible to connect more than two partners. Is this possible in
Ekiga? How does it work? In the video, how can I switch between
the various partners?
Every help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Georg
Georg Umgiesser
Oceanography, ISMAR-CNR
Arsenale Tesa 104, Castello 2737/F
30122 Venezia, Italia
e-mail : georg umgiesser ismar cnr it
web : http://www.ismar.cnr.it/
tel : +39 - 041 - 2407 943
fax : +39 - 041 - 2407 940
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