Re: [Ekiga-list] account with Android 2.3.4 native SIP-client

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 03:35:07PM +0300, J??nis Rukš??ns wrote:
> Most likely it is neither you nor the Android SIP client. The
> server has an overly restrictive configuration, which
> prevents any sufficiently up-to-date SIP client from registering from
> behind NAT. There have been numerous posts on the list regarding this.

Hmm... having googled around a bit, my guess would rather be that
i cannot register because the native Android 2.3.4 SIP client
seems not to support STUN.  Couldn't this be the major problem
for me not being able to register instead of an 'overly
restrictive configuration' of the server?

If others agree that this lack of STUN support is most likely the
reason why my registration fails, then it seems like a good idea
to vote for

or maybe even add some comments there.  This might speedup the
STUN support in the native Android 2.3.4 SIP client, thereby
making Ekiga much more accessible to the mobile world...

Kind regards,

	"Share what you know.  Learn what you don't."

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