Re: [Ekiga-list] Question about call monitoring section on the Wiki

On 05/05/11 15:28, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:
Hi All,

I've updated the following section of the Wiki:


I have a few questions which need confirmation by the experts.

1) Are the bandwidth units for audio and video in KB/s or Kb/s?

It's kB/s (kilobytes per sec).

2) There is an existing description for a parameter which apparently
doesn't exist in the network traffic statistics pop-up window (which
I've added a screengrab for), that is, "Round trip delay":

"Round-trip delay: The required time for a packet to arrive at its
destination and come back. You can see the round-trip delay during a
call as a connection quality indicator together with the Lost and Late
packets statistics. "

Can this be removed, or is the round-trip delay reading to be found
somewhere else in the interface, or was it present in an earlier version
of Ekiga?

Good question! Moreover, I commonly use RTT (Round Trip Time) instead of RTD (Round-trip delay time), I propose to change to RTT.

Looking at the code, I know that the signal bar with 4 vertical bars is a graphic representation of the jitter (when there is no loss, no late packet, no out of order, highest means jitter < 50ms, lowest means jitter > 200 ms; otherwise 1 or 0 bars are shown).

But about RTT I have no idea. Julien, do you know if it was used in the past? I looked at opal code and I do not see such information.

3) There is no description for the "Out of order packets" parameter
which *is* visible in the network traffic statistics pop-up window.
Could someone please give me a brief summary of what this is?

Out of order packet means that it is sent (after/)before another packet, but it arrives (before/)after the other packet. I suppose that what is inside parenthesis should be removed. It is difficult for me to find out in opal code (rtp.cxx, variable packetsOutOfOrder) what precisely it corresponds to.

In ekiga, the percentage shown is the number of out of order audio and video packets divided by the total number of audio and video packets.

Do not forget to remove pages you have integrated in Documentation/Manual, such as the section

Thank you!

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