Re: [Ekiga-list] Problems

On 26/06/11 16:42, Chandrashekaran Iyer wrote:
Hello Ekiga Team,
    I believe Ekiga is a great programme.
    On Ubuntu-11.04, barring a couple of hiccups initially I was able to set
up everything nicely. Testing of both Audio&  Vid worked out well indeed.
    However, on Win XP and in the case of my Brother-in-Law, Windows7, Ekiga
is very problematic. On XP Vid works but audio is totally NIL. On Windows7,
Neither audio nor Vid work. In bothcases we have followed the procedure as
given out by you folks.
    Be good if you could give us HELP in getting Ekiga installed and
functional in XP&  Win7

Please send us a -d 4 output for each of the Windows machines and write a few words about the test you used (calling 500 ekiga net I suppose?), so that we can investigate where the problem comes from.


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