Re: [Ekiga-list] not able of talking to anybody in ekiga (stara posta)

On 11 Jan, 2011,at 04:06 AM, Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr> wrote:

> Presence has always been very unreliable for me. In the situation you've
> described above, I've found that if both users concurrently sign out, then sign
> back in again, calling works as it should.
> I'll add to this instances where a user has logged off, but in other users'
> clients he/she still appears as being online for some considerable length of

I think this is 10 minutes. This is because ekiga does not unregister
when quitting (to reduce quit time). Still, I would prefer to do it, it
is on my lengthy TODO list...

Hi Eugen (and Happy New Year!)

Thanks for the update - knowing that it is a known issue and is on a todo list is good enough for me, I'll document this as a known issue for our users :)


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