Re: [Ekiga-list] libopal issues in Fedora 14

On 01/31/2011 02:34 PM, J. Adam Craig wrote:
> I was able to resolve the issue by re-installing the opal and ptlib
> packages.  Apparently they did not install properly the first time.
You have some other underlying problem.  Packages don't just not install
in that manner.   They may have missing dependencies and that kind of
thing, but those are only corrected by a corrected package - not by

You can check the integrity of the packages at the command line with
"rpm -V opal ptlib".  No news is good news (no output unless there are
errors).  You can check the integrity of all installed packages with
"rpm -Va"  (takes a long time).

Off the top of my head, things I've seen happen to cause your problem:

1) playing around as root and accidentally truncate random files
2) start a long update, get bored, and shutdown the machine in the
middle of the install (in the middle of the downloads
    is OK).
3) start an install and power goes out
4) disk errors (use System Tools/Disk Utility to check status and tell
SMART to scan for bad sectors).

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