Re: [Ekiga-list] Configure Rynga on Ekiga 3.2.7

On 26/11/11 08:54, Maria Lawrence wrote:

/usr/lib/pkgconfig/ptlib.pc please?

I am terribly sorry to respond late! Since I access mails on multiple devices I hadn't quite noticed your note asking for ptlib.pc file.
Searching through folder you mentioned I could not locate the demoniac ptlib.pc but found the attachments I have enclosed.
Is there anything else I can do?

Yes. Could you please install the debug package of ptlib? That file is there in fact. Anyway, this is only to check that PTRACING is switched off. By the way, I looked over Linux mint web site and did not find information about that.

The only solution to check what does not work in your communication is to get a capture from wireshark. Start wireshark as root, start ekiga and in wireshark look for SIP packets, notably for REGISTER packets and their answers. You can also send us or me the wireshark output, but be aware sometimes wireshark captures confidential packets too (from other applications).

Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 13:36:16 +0100
From: Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr
To: ekiga-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Ekiga-list] Configure Rynga on Ekiga 3.2.7

On 25/11/11 12:33, Maria Lawrence wrote:

Output text attached as advised.

The problem is that this output is almost empty.  This is surely caused
by the fact that ptlib in your distribution was configured without
logging, which unfortunately complexifies debugging.  To confirm that,
could you send us the content of the file
/usr/lib/pkgconfig/ptlib.pc please?

There should be a -DPTRACING=1 there.

Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 12:24:21 +0100
From: Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr
To: ekiga-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Ekiga-list] Configure Rynga on Ekiga 3.2.7

On 25/11/11 11:50, Maria Lawrence wrote:

I am a recent convert to linux and use Linux mint 11 - 32 bit on a PC.
For my voip requirement I have been using Rynga and am eager to port the service on my PC via Ekiga.

Having entered the following values I still am not able to connect to my SIP service Provider Rynga

Name: Maria Lawrence
Authentication user: myusername_of_rynga
Password: mypassword_of_rynga
Timeout: 3600

Somehow Ekiga does not connect at all.
Ofcourse I have tried changing User to: myusername_of_rynga&    myusername_of_rynga sip rynga com etc., but nothing seems to work!
Any brainwaves? (Am unable to find anyother settings which I can change. I am able to use the PC/Mobile version of Rynga SIP clients without a problem) and they have worked despite being behind a firewall so far.

Could you please use myusername_of_rynga as User, restart ekiga, and
give us the -d 4 output

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