Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga and Polycom systems


I made some various and intensive tests with Polycom and Tandberg Videoconferencing systems. I uses H323 and SIP protocols.
No trouble to be a simple client using H323 (no need to be a referenced user. You only have to know Polycom system IP)
For SIP it is a little bit more touchy. Polycom administrator needs to configure very strongly alkl paramters. The best is trunking an Asterisk system to a Policom one and use ekiga only as Asterisk's softphone.

Don't hesitate to contact me. I have some adresses for test purposes.

Best regards


Le 12/08/2011 16:55, William C. MacKinnon - bill a écrit :

Hello.  We have a Polycom HDX 6000 Videoconferencing system in one of our conference rooms.  We would like to enable individual users to connect to this system for videoconferencing purposes from their webcam enabled PCs.  Will Ekiga work for this?  If so, can someone tell me how?  I installed ekiga and attempted to dial our polycom system but the software seems to want to connect to only other users.








William (Bill) MacKinnon

IT Coordinator / ISBP Instructor

School of Business

Clarkson University




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