Re: [Ekiga-list] Can't establish conncection with my friend ekiga net

On 04/11/10 20:42, Csányi Pál wrote:

I'm trying to establish connection with my friend, but
every time I call him, the connection can't be established.

I attach the output.txt file for debugging, if this is a bug.

I see that you first register, and afterwards when you send INVITE:

======================== 0:11.585 CallSetup:0xba240710 SIP Sending PDU (1012 bytes) to: rem=udp$86.
INVITE sip:letonga ekiga net SIP/2.0 answers with:

======================== 0:11.638 Opal Liste...0xc8071710 SIP PDU received: rem=udp$,local=udp$,if=
SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed

According to, error code 405 means:

21.4.6 405 Method Not Allowed
   The method specified in the Request-Line is understood, but not
   allowed for the address identified by the Request-URI.
   The response MUST include an Allow header field containing a list of
   valid methods for the indicated address.

I do not understand why gives this error. Csanyi, does calling 500 ekiga net work?

Can anyone help?


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